Friday, October 16, 2009

Our champion eater

I have to admit that breastfeeding this time round has gone far better than it did with Wesley. We haven't supplemented at all, there is no pumping (I'm so happy I bought a brand new Pump In Style by the way, that was pointless), no guessing if she's getting enough. I think it's actually what breastfeeding is supposed to be like, what every other woman in the world experiences. I thought this time round would be just like the early weeks with Wesley with the constant crying (me), the constant hunger (Wesley), the constant pumping to try and get my milk supply up. I think the difference is this time I'm just trusting my body to be able to feed my child. It also helps to have a pediatrician that is pro breastfeeding and didn't jump on the supplementing bandwagon when she wasn't back up to her birth weight at two weeks old.

Greta is gaining weight like a champion. She's a little over 9.5 pounds according to my baby scale. She should be gaining weight, she eats every hour during the day and every two hours at night. I hope that slows down at some point, but for now I'm just happy she's growing. She's fit into our family wonderfully and I feel blessed to have two happy, healthy children.

1 comment:

Granny Randi said...

Mandy, maybe Becca would be interested in your breast pump...she borrowed one for Sasha. No, she's not pregnant yet! I'm so glad breastfeeding is going well with Greta. It makes everyone's life easier.
Love to you all.