Monday, September 7, 2009

18 days

So I said I was going to stop bitching and moaning about being pregnant. I said I was going to focus on the positive side of it all. I pretty much lied. This has got to end soon. The little ticker to the right says 18 days but that might as well be two more years because the days are going by sooo slowly. I know, I know it will be over soon and I'll have a sweet little girl in my arms to focus on but for now I can't stop focusing on being miserable. It was so easy to glorify pregnancy when you wanted to be pregnant. To look at the beautiful side of it. And I will be the first to admit there is a beautiful side to it. It's beautiful up until about 28 weeks. Then reality sets in and the days slow down. Here are a few key points as to why I'd like to not be pregnant anymore.

  • I'm sick of being a bi-stander to my life. I sit and watch Sean rough house with Wesley. Play their chase game. Just be fun and silly and I'm not able to join in because I'm too dang tired or physically can't get off the couch. It's sad. I miss being a fun Mom.

  • I'm selfish enough to say I need my body back. I miss my body. I miss my body being my body. Just mine. Not sharing it with anyone else. Just for the record, I've officially evicted my tenant. Yes, she got her walking papers last week yet she's not getting the message. She's just camped out in there until next year.

  • One word. Hemorrhoids.

  • I know every pregnant woman complains about sleeping but it's just so true. There is very little sleeping going on. It's just going from one bathroom break to another. I got up five times last night. Five. I'm debating getting some Depends and just not getting up to go to the bathroom anymore. It's tempting.

  • I'm so tired of driving 1.5 hours total,there and back, to the doctor every week for them to test my urine, take my blood pressure, hear the heartbeat and send me on my way. That I will not miss at all.

  • I can't wait to wear my normal clothes again. I'm down to two maternity shirts that actually fit and completely cover the giant belly. After those two have been worn I start wearing the shirts that almost cover the belly, thus making me one of those skanky women that walk around with part of their belly hanging out. Luckily I don't go out in public much these days and when I do I have my trusty two shirts. Poor Sean on the other hand....

    Ok, I now have that all off my chest and can get on with it. Sorry, had to vent.


Little Man's blog said...

two words: amen sister. I totally agree.

Stacy said...

Love the Depends idea! If I get knocked up again I will totally try that. Do they make them in size Giant? Hang in there.