It has been a lot of fun watching the transformation that has occurred since Wesley has hit the six month mark. He has always been in his own little world up until now, he's discovered there is a lot going on around him. He's never really noticed the dogs until recently. He'll sit in his high chair and just watch them running around being silly. They always have their big old black noses next to his head looking for remains of baby food. Sophie jumped up on the counter yesterday and cleaned the half eaten bowl of butternut squash for me, guess dogs like baby food too.
Breastfeeding a six month old is dramatically different from feeding a newborn. He used to eat every two hours on the dot, now I will feed him every 3-4 hours and it's short, light feedings...like I have to force him to eat. It's like he's so excited to see what else is new that he's too impatient to sit around eating. It's quite nice. On one hand I'm somewhat excited to see the end of breastfeeding, on the other I'll miss the closeness that it provides. My goal is to wean him at a year old. We have a special little thing that we'll do during breastfeeding that I'll miss: I'll smile down at him and he'll look up at me and smile back while still eating. If I giggle, he'll giggle. It's our little thing. I'll miss it.
Whenever I write about him having a sleeping problem I just need to realize that it lasts about three days and then he goes back to the little dream sleeper I've always had. We are truly lucky to have a wonderful sleeping baby. Right now he goes to sleep around 10pm and sleeps through the night until 10am, twice this week he slept till 11am. It's insane. I love it. Do you know how long it's been since I've been able to wake up ON MY OWN, with the sun streaming in the window and just lay there? Well let's just say a long time. I now can get up, feed dogs, feed livestock, feed myself and watch The Price is Right before Wesley wakes up. It's heaven. I feel a little guilty with Sean getting up at 5am and going to work and me sleeping in until 8 or 9. I'm just stock piling the sleep because I know this routine will come to an end soon, just like all the others. I'm just soaking it up while I can.

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