-Wesley went over the Grandma and Grandpa's house today to be babysat while we escaped, I mean went to Red Lobster to gorge ourselves on snow crab legs. Oh they were delicious! Thank you Doyle and Sarah for the gift certificate! We went in to my parents house to take Wesley home and he was passed out on the couch sleeping with the tv blaring, two little yipper dogs barking and my folks talking. It was amazing he was sleeping. And here I am tip toeing through our house while he sleeps, that's the end of that!
-I am researching convertible car seats since Wesley is quickly outgrowing his infant seat. I am pretty sure we are going to go with the highly rated Britax Marathon seat but it's quite pricey at $269. I'm trying to decide if it is THAT much better than the $80 Graco seat. It does come in a nifty black and white cow pattern or a green mossy camo color which is fun, not sure that makes it $190 better....but it might.
-Cisco Bob our golden retriever has done something to his leg where he won't put any weight on it and just hobbles around. It's pathetic. So he went into the vet for the second time and got an x-ray done of the leg. Nothing is wrong with the leg according to the x-ray so the vet said it was probably the beginning of arthritis. He's only six years old. Poor guy. It sucks when animals get old.
-Looks like Uncle Sam is giving us a little money this year, yippie!
-My Mom said Wesley's face has changed a lot since she saw him a week and a half ago. The little guy is changing so fast it's crazy. We can now lay him on the floor and in the span of a few minutes he will wiggle a foot or two away.
In the world of baby food:
Carrots: ***** (5 star)
Sweet tators: **** (4 star)
Squash: **** (4 star)
Pears: **** (4 star)
Applesauce: ***** (5 star)
Sweet peas: (0 stars) throw it in the dumpster Mom! YUCK!
We still have quite a bit to try.
Well that's all I can think of to write, guess I'd better go to bed.

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