Today our little dude turns six months old! It also marks the departure of our little sleeper. I know now how the rest of the Moms out there feel with the babies that wake up multiple times during the night. It sucks. I'd like to go back to the easy to put to sleep, sleeps for 12 hours a night baby. I shall remember fondly all of the sleep I got in the past. I shall now look forward to bags under the eyes and the lovely glazed zombie feeling. Oh well such is life.
Half a year favorites:
Favorite Food: Pureed carrots and booby juice
Favorite Dog: Chance...he likes to rip out as much terrier fur as possible with his kung fu grip.
Favorite Toy: The demonic Laugh and Learn Puppy....die psycho dog die. Gus the Stunt (not STUD Randi) Giraffe ranks high up there as well.
Favorite Past Time: Riding around in Baby Bjorn, watching football with pops, ripping dog hair off of dog, looking at cute self in mirror, fishy watching, peeing in bath tub, farting...this child can rival my mother-in-law in the gas department.
Favorite Outfit: Buck naked...he's all smiles when he's naked. But the little outfits you got him for Christmas, Becca, are a close second...love them! He's wearing one in the picture above.
Favorite Song: Oh I Wish I Was A Little Bar of Soap...with its new and improved lyrics.
Nicknames: Beefcake, Jabba, Gooselet, Buglet, Ducklet and Little Dude.
Dislikes: Going to sleep at night....that's pretty much it. Oh and getting dressed up in random snowsuits.

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