I mentioned in a previous post that Dym is believed to be pregnant. On day eleven of the pregnancy I had the opportunity to give her a shot to end the pregnancy or to let it go and possibly have baby goats the end of December. I tell ya, that was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make in awhile. On one hand, I'd love to have baby goats running around here. But on the other hand I don't want those baby goats to freeze to death since January around here isn't very forgiving. Also I'd love to try my hand at milking a goat...can you imagine all the fun things one could do with gallons and gallons of fresh goat milk? But milking in January, February and March? Not so much fun. So day eleven came and went and I decided not to give her the shot. Who am I to play God? I really hope she is pregnant because I'm so excited for this!
Sean doesn't know much about this but I'm building a birthing stall in the shop where she can have those babies and there will be electricity available for heating lamps and such. I'm also going to build a milking stand so milking isn't too hard to accomplish (I hope). I've been reading every book I can find on breeding and milking goats so I hope I'm ready when the time comes. This winter might be quite the adventure!
For now I just enjoy looking out the window and seeing this:

I knew you would risk winter babies! You are a true animal lover! It's nice that Dym is such a friendly goat. Thanks for the condolences on my grandma. It still hasn't sunk in yet. You are right though...it's weird being the middle generation. Sasha starts preschool Sept. 1st. Crazy how fast time has gone. Greta is almost 1 year old! The kids are so cute and fun to watch in the blog. I'll post pics on mine tomorrow? Hugs!
Just stopping by to say thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Glad to hear Dym is doing well. She was never very vocal here but I brought her home with her sister, then she had her daughters. The only time she would bleat would be at dinner time or if they got too far away. It sounds like she has made you and your family her herd now and she doesn't want to be left behind. She looks very happy and I am so glad she has a nice home where she can get all the attention she deserves. Nice blog, I enjoyed reading about Dym and your garden!
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