Dear Wesley,
Today you turn three years old! You are becoming quite the little man right before my eyes. You are a handful right now, still a joy but you can be challenging at times. You sure keep us on our toes. Your father and I are amazed at how bright you are and how quickly you pick up on stuff. At times it's hard to keep your inquisitive mind busy. When you aren't kept busy you tend to get into trouble easily. It's made for a trying summer, but we're all learning and things are getting easier.
This year you moved into a big boy bed and are enjoying the freedom that comes with it. I've been scared that you might try to navigate the dark stairs during the middle of the night so we've been forced to put a baby gate in front of your door to keep you in. For the most part you don't try to escape and usually play in your room if you happen to wake up before us. This was until last week when you decided you could pull your tricycle over and climb right over the baby gate. Now you have two baby gates right on top of each other. This will continue until potty training gets to the point that you need to be able to get to the bathroom during the night. So far potty training is at a stand still. You have your routine of going potty first thing in the morning and right before bed but nothing during the day. I ask if you need to go and you always say no. Next weekend we are hitting it hard core and will be placing you in big boy undies (that you picked out last weekend) and hoping for the best. I'm prepared to clean up a whole lot of urine.
I'm very impressed at how gentle and sensitive you are around your sister. You're always making sure she has toys in front of her and love to make her laugh. You are an awesome big brother. In the morning when you wake up you go over to the baby gate in front of your door and whisper (at the top of your lungs) "Mommy, I'm awake up here." You know not to yell as it might wake up Sissy. You've understood over the past 9.5 months that if Sissy wakes up too early she screams. A lot.
You are truly a Daddy's Boy. During the day you constantly ask when Dad is coming home. I come in a distant fourth, under Dad, Sissy and the dog. I'm ok with that. Your Dad is very patient with you and loves to show you how things work. My favorite thing is to go outside and see you crouched down next to him imitating whatever he's doing.... usually involving power tools.
Last but not least, I will never get over the funny things that come out of your mouth. Yesterday you were eating some chocolate chips and asked if Greta could have some. I said no, not yet. You said "When she gets bigger and turns into a boy like me she can have some." *grin*
Happy Birthday my little man! We love you!

Happy Birthday Wesley! We wish we could have been there to celebrate, but Alex and Abby were sick. I'm so proud to be your aunt and look forward to being there as you grow! We will have a cake baked for you and presents when the kids are better.
Happy Birthday, Wesley! I am so proud of you and you are growing up to be such a handsome young man. Can't wait to see you again for the holidays! Aunt Stacy
I'm glad he had a good time. Hope the piggy bank comes in handy. I thought the electronic one was way cooler than a normal one. It came all the way from Evansville so it's extra special! Love to the little man and lady.
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