We did stop by Jessica's parents house to let Wesley watch them set off some fireworks. He had far more fun that I ever expected and made me feel bad that I hadn't invested in some of the smaller fireworks. Next year. For sure. We also found out, after the first big POP, that Greta is scared to death of fireworks. She sobbed through the next three explosions and I decided to just leave Wesley there and take Greta elsewhere. That little boy sure had fun. Thanks Jessica for letting Wesley join in the fun, and thanks for taking pictures.
On a different subject, Greta and I are almost done with nursing. I'm thrilled to have gotten this far but she's been having issues with concentrating during nursing and she wasn't getting enough milk lately. Last week I was noticing she had dark urine and her diapers smelled really foul. I deducted that she was becoming dehydrated from her lack of interest in nursing. So she tried her first taste of formula in a sippy cup on Wednesday and sucked it down like it was the most awesome fluid in the world. We're still nursing in the morning, before nap and before bed but I'm not sure how much longer even that will go on. I have to admit I'm already enjoying the liberation formula provides. I left Greta with Sean this afternoon and Wesley and I went to see Toy Story 3. This was Wesley's first movie theater experience and he did super awesome (this is also his favorite phrase "I'm super awesome!"). I was so proud of him today. Sitting through an almost two hour movie without being all crazy even once.
On the subject of him being all crazy. That pretty much describes our summer so far. If he's not doing something constructive then he's utterly crazy. And by crazy I mean smashing a toy repeatedly into the stove, or throwing toys at his sister, or screaming and running through the house....you get the idea. I have to have projects lined up throughout the day or he drives me insane. Literally, you could cart me off to the insane asylum. The scary part is that I'm running out of things to do. We constantly go to the playground, the park, go for walks (to pick up trash, joy), we even went to the zoo again last week. That's two different zoo's in less than two weeks. We went with Jessica and her kids and Wesley had fun. It's sure nice to wear him out, I never knew how much energy a three year old little boy had. It's exhausting.

That's about all that's happening around here.
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