Sunday, December 21, 2008

Just around the corner

Boy am I excited about Christmas! I am really looking forward to it this year because Wesley is becoming more and more aware of everything and I can't wait to tell him about Santa. Looking at this time of the year through a childs eyes is so much fun. With every passing year I can only imagine it getting better. Plus, I'm psyched about getting new toys for the kid! He SO needs something new to do around here on these long winter days...poor bored kid.

On the down side, the weather is already horrid and winter has only just started. Doing my outside chores twice a day has become a lot of work. I resemble the abominable snowman when I go outside....sweater, jeans, jacket, coveralls, hat, mittens, scarf & boots (I REALLY want a ski mask but we don't live in ski mask country so I'll have to order one). Thankfully we put in the stock tank heater for the horses several months ago. It does a great job of keeping the water from being a block of ice but it doesn't keep water in the tank. The hose that goes from the house to the stock tank is frozen stiff so I have to haul 5 gallon buckets of water out there once day. It's a lot of work, but I signed up for this when I got those animals I suppose. I do feel bad about them out there in sub zero degree weather. They have a nice cozy shelter with all they can eat hay and thick fuzzy coats, so I don't worry too much, but still....brrrr.

We are leaving Wednesday to go spend Christmas at my sisters house in KC with my family. It will be nice and I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

That photo of you and Wesley is priceless. Frame it!