Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ok, I am about to admit something to all you internets. I am addicted to the Twilight series. I had a ton of Christmas orders and on any other given year would still be doing them, but I promised myself that once I finished them this year I could re-read the books. So of course I finished them last weekend. I've been reading ever since. Now I'm not totally over the top here as this is only the second time I'll be reading them, but the addiction doesn't end at the books. Oh no, I've seen the movie twice now and am trying to find a way to sneak in a third viewing. I say "sneak in" because my husband thinks I've lost my marbles. He might be right. It's not helping that the second book is soon to be in production for the big screen and might be out next Christmas. Yeah! Ok, that's all.....first step is admitting the problem.

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