I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I was hoping to get a blog about Christmas up sooner but we came home to a dead desktop computer. Poor old Mac wouldn't even power up. So I am now an official laptop user. Rest in peace my old Mac. We spent Christmas with my sister, her husband and my folks in Kansas City. Wesley had a great second Christmas! After about the fourth present he learned how to delicately unwrap the paper, no crazy ripper here. He liked the bows the best, putting them on his head was super cool!

We all made out like bandits. Santa was very generous this year. Wesley decided each new present was more awesome than the last. He got a tricycle, a bulldozer toy, oodles of new Geo Trax (it's going to take over the whole house now), Fridge ABC toy, Turbo Turtle and countless other cool toys. He is very excited to watch his new Elmo DVD, Elmo in Grouchland, although I'm going to prescreen it since I hear it can be a little scary. He made a good haul this year, thank you to all the family and friends for being so generous.
My sister got my father Guitar Hero for Playstation 2 and we all sat around playing it. What a fun game! Sean was a natural at it and kicked all of our butts. Here is my father playing it, what a hoot that was to see.

Here is the whole family.

Here is Wesley cuddling with ol' Mom.

My favorite picture of Sean, looks like he's meditating and making the balloon float....what a silly picture.

So excited to see all the presents!

Thank you Betsy and Blake for hosting a great Christmas. It was very nice of you to let us all crash at your house and eat all of your food. We all had a great time and Wesley already misses your cool coasters (one of which made it home with us...somehow.) Thanks again!
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