Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Amazing Sleeping Wesley

So I seem to not have a typical baby on my hands. This little man is sleeping more at night than me or Sean. On an typical night he sleeps 7-9 hours without waking up. Of course I can't be happy about anything, I now worry he's sleeping too much. I wake up during the night to make sure he's alive because every baby book out there says a breastfed baby needs to eat every 4 hours at the most during the night. So I even called the pediatricians office today and talked with a nurse to make sure this is ok. She laughed and said "Thank your lucky stars!" She said if he's gaining weight well (he's up to 10.5 pounds) and has enough wet and soiled diapers (7-10 a day) then he's fine.
You'd think I could just be happy.

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