Friday, January 15, 2010


    Wesley turned two and a half months old a couple of days ago and I'd thought I share what's happening in his life right now.

  • Wesley has blossomed into quite the cook lately. Let me back up, for several months his favorite book to read before nap time and bedtime was a Sesame Street book called "Vegetable Soup". It's all about Ernie and Bert making vegetable soup for Cookie Monster. So every night Wesley gets his "pots and pans" (Tupperware and old plastic containers) out of the cupboard and makes us vegetable soup. I give him a little cup of water and he stirs up all kinds of imaginary goodness with it. It's pretty cute. Then Sean and I pretend to sample his cuisine and rave about how tasty it is. Pretty cute stuff I tell ya.

  • He's also still in love with his hat collection. Thanks to his Granny Randi the collection is growing by leaps and bounds. I had to share one of his more hilarious hats from the collection. In this picture he's not wearing it correctly so you might not make out completely what it is:

    Yes, it's a turkey hat. She knitted it for him for Thanksgiving but in true to form, it took him a month to warm up to the idea of wearing a new hat. All hats have a warming up period. Some take longer than others. But as soon as that period is over they are graciously accepted into the collection.

  • Wesley loves his "big boy" room upstairs. The move has gone far more smoothly than I ever imagined. It's amazing how hyping something up as being "big boy" like can make him excited for it. For instance, me: "Take off your shoes please", him:"NO, I don't want to take off my shoes", me:"Big boys take off their own shoes", him:"Ok(takes off shoes)". He's still in his crib up there but I feel that he could be switched over to a toddler bed anytime now without much hassle. He just likes his crib so much. We'll see how many more months we can squeeze out of it.

  • The love for the Mr. Potato Head is still here. I just love this picture for the two silly men in it and for the priceless look on Greta's face as she ponders the strange plastic potato in front of her.

1 comment:

Granny Randi said...

I love the hat pictures. I'm glad Wesley warmed up to the turkey hat. I think the next one will be a viking hat. It's hilarious. I miss you all very much. Lots and lots of love.