It's been a super Sunday for many reasons. For one it is Superbowl Sunday. Yes I am celebrating the big game not because I love or even like football, but rather because it signifies the end of the football season. Yippie! It is also an occasion to eat junk and not feel bad about it.
The second reason it has been a good day is I got to clean the house. I know how sad that sounds but I can't do much during the week days so today I made Sean take over babysitting duties while I vacuumed, mopped, cleaned carpet and other fun stuff. A clean house makes me happy.
Third reason I'm happy is because of prunes. Let's just say Wesley's been stopped up for the past three days. We tried the prunes and an hour and a half later they had worked their magic. I'm thankful for prunes and I'm thankful for a husband that will clean lots of poo and not complain about it.

Tomorrow I will be taking Cisco Bob our golden retriever back into the vet for the third time and will not be leaving until they do something for him. He was limping and went and had an X-ray done that showed nothing wrong so they put him on glucosimine which upset his stomach and he stopped eating his food four days ago. I've been able to get 4-5 milk bones down him each day but today he stopped eating those and he looks BAD. I hope they can do something for him, I'm really worried about him. Of all the dogs, he is the best around Wesley and I'd really like Wesley to grow up with him. Keep your fingers crossed for Bob.
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