Sunday I spent several hours making Wesley his homemade organic baby food. It took about three hours from start to finish and it made one heck of a mess, but it was fun. I used the book Blender Baby Food, it gives instructions and cooking times for everything...made it all very simple. It was interesting to note that each grouping of veggies only made one ice cube tray of food, for example four pears made one tray, four apples one tray....they don't go too far once they are cooked down. One ice cube tray makes 16 cubes and he eats three-four cubes a day. After doing the math it is actually cheaper to make your own baby food by about .50 a day verses buying the jarred organic baby food, plus it is healthier and satisfying knowing he's getting fresh stuff. I labeled them and put them in freezer bags, now I just pop cubes in a bowl and microwave them. Pretty cool.

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