My friend Jessica and I flew the coop yesterday to have some much needed girl time without the babies. We said "Screw you weather" and took off. First stop was a really cool organic supermarket. You see Wesley has only gotten organic food since he started the whole food experience. My original goal was to buy the organic produce, cook it and freeze it and be all Suzie Homemaker like. Well then reality hit and I discovered I had no time to pick my nose some days little own cook up batches upon batches of baby food. So I bought the wonderful little jars of organic food and decided that was good enough. Then I hear of a big recall of organic jarred baby food, something about the applesauce possibly containing botulism. Great. So I decided back to square one. The organic supermarket. Very cool place, full of organic, healthy, very expensive stuff. I bought lots of apples, pears, sweet tators, squash and carrots. My plan is: today hand Wesley off to Sean and head into the kitchen to peel, dice, simmer, blend and freeze everything I purchased yesterday. I will then pour this concoction into ice cube trays, freeze them and put them into zip lock bags. I will report later on how this goes. Wish me luck.
Back to our outing. Next stop was Carlos o'Kellys. You see it is a tradition to go feed our snouts on mexican food a month before either one of us is about to have a baby. We did this with her first one, then we did this a few weeks before Wesley arrived and now today we did this in anticipation of her little girl due in April.

Third stop was Babies R US (or Baby Hell as Dru calls it). We waddled around there for almost two hours taking in all the new and mostly useless baby gear. I was thrilled to see they started carrying
Seventh Generation products. If you haven't heard of them take a look at their website. In our families' ongoing effort to Go Green I have researched this company and was anxious to find a store that carried their environmentally friendly, non-toxic products. I bought a bag of their Chlorine Free diapers to see if they're any good. They are about 3 cents more expensive a diaper than Huggies so if they are good I will definitely make the switch. Interestingly enough, they are brown diapers....kind of look like a brown paper bag on your babies butt. It was worth buying them just to open the bag and not get that strong, nauseating chemical odor like the Huggies bags. I bought their phosphate-free dishwasher detergent and laundry soap as well. We'll see how they work. Anyways, that was my day...Sean had Wesley for a whopping 5 hours, I think the longest he's ever had him alone. They had fun, man bonding time. In seven months I've never been away from Wesley for more than 5 hours, that's insane.
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