Sean and I were lying on the floor with Wesley this evening soaking up his new ability to laugh at everything and I realized how wonderful having a child is. He is such a joy and a blessing and I look forward to the years ahead with all the new experiences Sean and I can teach him. I think about next summer when I plant a garden and how he can "help" me, or in a few years when he's old enough to ride with me in a cart behind the miniature horses. Sean is looking forward to the day he and Wesley can ride the mini motorcycles around the acreage or help him work on cars. But for now we are just engrossed in his ability to do nothing but smile, laugh and drool. Sean actually said something the other day that made me just about fall over, he said "If I had known how wonderful having a baby around was I'd probably have had one sooner." That's big for a man who wasn't sure he wanted children. I'm glad I talked him into it! I can't imagine missing out on this experience, how dull our lives would have been.
Sitting in the recliner....

....Hey Gus when did you get here?....

....come sit on my lap....

.....I do love Gus the giraffe....
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