With the birth of my niece it got me thinking about the first few weeks home with Wesley. You can read every parenting book on the market and you will never be fully ready for that little pink newborn once you bring it through the front door. In fact I remember setting down the car seat and turning to Sean and saying "Now what?" For nine months you build up in your mind what having a baby in the house will be like. The happy cooing baby comes to mind. In reality it's a lot of work! Feeding around the clock, changing countless diapers, dealing with crying. I remember feeling like I was chained to my recliner. Sean had to bring me meals and drinks because Wesley would cluster feed for hours. Going to the store was scary stuff. I was so afraid he would start crying and people would stare. I would make whirl wind trips for the basics like diapers and milk just to get him back in the car. Now at almost four months old, I could CARE LESS! Go ahead and stare if he cries....believe it or not, that's what babies do. I often see Moms with well behaved toddlers and wonder if Wesley will be like that. Then I realize that woman is just a few chapters ahead of me in this child rearing game and was probably just as scared of her newborn wailing in Wal-Mart as I was in the beginning.
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