There has been a bit of an infatuation happening in this house for the past several months. Who am I kidding, it's been a full on obsession. And it's happening to my four year old. Let me back up a bit. Last Fall I started playing Angry Birds on facebook. It was a fun way to pass the time. Wesley started standing next to me as I played, somewhat interested. That progressed to pulling up a chair and rooting me on as I made little birds fly through the air and smash piggies. Then he started asking if he could play the game. So I downloaded the PC version so he could play the full screen game. Thus started his love affair with a computer game. He lived and breathed Angry Birds. Oh and he was good! He would whip through levels that stumped Sean and I. Even give us pointers while we played. The first game was conquered in a month, then he pleaded for us to buy the next game. He played his way through Angry Birds Rio and Seasons in no time at all. He was so disappointed to find out that there were no more games once he finished Angry Birds Seasons. So I challenged him to go back through and get 3-stars on all the levels. That's where he's at now.
When he gets frustrated he'll ask us to Google the level and watch a walk-through on how to achieve 3-stars. The kid is obsessed. We have to limit his computer time because I think he'd be on it all day if left to his own devices. So a couple of months back he was looking at Angry Birds merchandise on Google and ran across some figurines that an individual had made. He wanted them pretty badly. I, of course, said "I can make that!" I, after all, do sculpt part-time. So off to Michael's I went in search of colored clay (I use uncolored clay for my business). I loaded up on nearly every color and started sculpting Angry Birds. That is what I've been doing for nearly two months now in my off time. I still have a few more pigs to make but the birds are done, whew. The kid LOVES them and that makes my day.
My personal favorite. |
The madness continues. Miss Cindy, his preschool teacher, informed me that we were celebrating his half birthday (since his birthday falls in the summer). So I decided to make Angry Bird cupcakes. Each one had a little red bird made out of clay that the kids could take home. Apparently it was a hit among the kids, who all knew what Angry Birds were (I wasn't sure four year olds all knew what AB was, I was wrong).
Taking orders from their leader. I had fun if you can't tell. |
As if that all isn't enough, I decided I needed some Angry Bird earrings. If you can't tell I've been having fun with all this sculpting. The earrings have been a hit, I even have a couple of orders for more from friends and family. So now you know what's been going on in our house.
I have to say that you're almost too good at this. Seriously, you could go pro with this easily if it was legal. That orange bird is awesome! But of course, I expected it to be awesome. YOu're one cool mama. :)
I love them and the smile on Wesley's face! You are too cool! The earring are great fun. Is there nothing you can do?
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