-The garden is growing well. It's scary how much work is needed to keep it looking good and weed free. The mulching method is not working as well as it did last year. I'm using the same mulch as last year and so it's a bit more composted and thus weeds are sprouting from the mulch this year. It's frustrating. So next year I'll be rototilling in the old mulch and putting down new stuff, this is for the birds. I keep walking past the garden plants at our little local grocery store and occasionally I take pity on the poor little wilted, dried out veggie plants and take a few home. I then scour the garden for an open spot to cram it. I've now added brussel sprouts, more watermelon, and red and green cabbage to the garden this way. We aren't really cabbage people but the chickens love the stuff, so if it produces heads of cabbage then the chickens will be super happy.
-On a financial note, if you all weren't aware our mortgage rates in this country are at an all time low......like 3.5%. So if you were at all thinking about refinancing your house, now is the time. That's just what we are in the process of doing and we'll be free of a mortgage payment before Wesley graduates high school. That's so exciting!
-Summer is finally here. Can you believe it's June? Last week we were still in sweaters and jackets, what a cool spring it's been. The kids love being outside. We live outside during the day. Greta wakes up from her afternoon nap and immediately says "side!!".Then you must take her out there without delay or she'll scream at you for the next hour. Then once she's outside she walks over to my flower beds and yanks out my flowers. She thinks she's helping me weed. She likes to bring over the carcass of the pulled flower (roots and all) so I can praise her for her awesome weed pulling ability. Hard to get mad at the little darling.

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What, no pictures! :(
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