I had to update the animal bar at the top of the page to include the goat babies. And of course I had to draw at least one of them flying through the air. This is something I've learned since having goat kids for the first time. Their little tiny hooves hardly ever touch the ground. They run, they leap, they twist in the air making little tiny farting sounds. They've got a bit of crazy in them.
Wesley and I went outside today since it was a balmy 55 degrees with no wind and lots of sun (it was a beautiful day). I let the goat family out of the shop and they followed Wesley and I out into the yard. I sat down in the grass watching the baby goats do their afternoon gymnatics. Wesley came over and sat in my lap. Then a few minutes later I see a goat baby flying at me at turbo speed out of my periferal vision. They like to launch themselves at my head for some wierd reason. I think, if they could, they would both perch on top of my head. I stopped the first attack. The second goat baby threw itself at my back trying to spring board off of me. It caught me off guard leaving an opening for the first kid to turn around and come at us with a head on attack. He jumped right over us using Wesley's head to spring off of.
There were many tears shed. I'm pretty sure Wesley thinks they are trying to eat us. I try to explain they are baby animals and have a ton of energy.....much like Wesley. He's not going for it.
They are fun little animals. Part Nubian, part Boer, part crazy.
My favorite "air" picture |
Gearing up for the attack. |
Rear end has a mind of its own. |
Dym is such a good Momma. |
Cute but crazy |
Does this mean that the animal bar is reflective of EVERY critter you have on the place? I'm astounded.
Yea Stacy, that's the all my critters. I just realized Chance the terrier was gone so he's up there now too. :)
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