Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Corona Chronicles entry #6

Day #18

So the homesteader in me has exploded with the sweeping of the Coronavirus across our country. It has made me want to grow everything! I want more fruit trees, I want a huge garden, I NEED more baby chicks! Apparently I'm not alone. There are no baby chicks to be found (which is fine, I don't really NEED baby chicks). Apparently the US has been panic buying baby chickens like they did toilet paper. This happens often during stock market downturns and presidential election add a pandemic in there and BOOM, you have the perfect storm.

One of my facebook friends went in to buy chicks when the feed store opened and they said the store sold 600 chicks in an hour. Woah! 

I hope, for the baby chicks sake, that these people buying them have done their research and know how to take care of them. Do they know the difference between a straight run chick or a pullet? What happens in 4 months when that chick starts to crow and they find out all their chicks are roosters? I might just wait this out and look on craigslist in 4 months for all the unwanted chickens. Let someone else raise them....that is, after all, the hardest part of chickens.

I spent the weekend tilling up a new plot for a big garden. I haven't done a big garden (30 foot by 30 foot) in several years. But this year I'm super excited! Maybe it's the stay-at-home order or maybe it's just me trying to stay busy but I think it's going to be epic. Luckily I had already bought seeds a few weeks ago because several seed companies have had to stop selling because of low stock. See, everyone has the same idea! I think we should all be doing this anyways, less dependence on the grocery stores is a good thing.

I'm grateful for the Tower Garden that was purchased two years ago. It's been a constant source of fresh lettuce, kale and basil. Those three things seem to grow the best and easiest for me. I just yanked all the old lettuce plants that had gone to seed and fed them to the tortoises. I started new lettuce seedlings and hope to be eating fresh salad in a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to making some basil pesto for lunch today with the lone basil plant in the tower.

Take care all! 

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