Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rambling Children Update

 The kids are still sick. The stomach bug of Thanksgiving turned into diarrhea from hell which turned into a cold with nuclear green snot (it was crazy how green it was) which has turned into a consistent barking cough. The cough has been with Wesley for over a week and this morning he woke up with a dried trickle of blood coming out of his nose so off to the pediatricians office we went this morning. The blood from his nose was from dried out mucous membranes and the cough will take care of it's self over the next week. The doc told me to watch out for a secondary infection and told me I can give him some antibiotics if I'd like (I LOVE it when they give you the choice) which I turned down. I'm all for letting them get over it without the help of antibiotics.

When we were at the Christmas program I took Wesley behind the stage to line up with his class and as I left all I heard was a chorus of coughing. Gotta love it! He had his Christmas party on Thursday and Santa stopped by. When I went to pick him up he excitedly told me about seeing Santa and the teacher added that Wesley was one of the few that wanted to sit on his lap. I'm proud of him, he's sure breaking out of his shell. Apparently he told Santa he wanted a fire truck for Christmas. Got it covered! The interesting thing is that the four year old preschool class was individually asked at the program what they wanted from Santa and one after another said "A DS", or "a pink DS". I'd say five of the 10 kids said a DS. It took me a few minutes to figure out they were talking about a Nintendo DS. Mind you this is a bunch of four year olds. I was flabbergasted. I thought we had until maybe seven or eight years old until we had to think about hand held video games. Ugg.

While I'm on the subject of preschool, I dropped Wesley off last week and I always lug Greta in on my hip. Well, I had to set her down to take off Wesley's coat and the teacher came over and was looking at Greta sitting on the ground. She asked me when her birthday is and I told her it was back in September. This very concerned look came over her face and said "She's still not walking!". Mind you this doesn't phase me much anymore since Wesley was a late walker as well, walking at 15 months. My kids are just late in the mobility department. They sure catch up quick though. I'm proud to say that Greta is standing up in the middle of the room without holding on to anything. She kinda looks like a surfer with the legs spread out for balance. She's so proud of herself, she usually claps. It's precious. As if I haven't been adding enough video lately (I go for months and months without and then bombard you in December) I am adding a video of her standing.

Greta loved the program. It's sure strange seeing your children sitting in the same high school auditorium that you graduated from 13 years ago.

Wesley enjoyed decorating the tree.

The tree, a safe distance from Greta and behind a baby gate. :)

Anything and everything goes on her head. In this case, Wesley's chuck bucket.


Granny Randi said...

Greta will walk when she is good and ready. Sean was a late walker, late talker, late get the picture. Love the new pics.

Stacy said...

What is a teeter? Anyhow, they're precious and I try very hard not to succumb to peer pressure: "you mean she isn't DRAWING yet?"

Granny Randi said...

Ok, Stacy...teether!