Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mellow man

Not a whole lot new happening in our household. Wesley has decided to nap again during the day which makes my life so much easier. I'm actually getting some sculpting done again, which is good since my Christmas orders are backing up. He's so much happier with a little sleep during the day. They say the average five month old needs 14-16 hours of sleep a day, he's right in the middle. He's also learning to entertain himself better than before. He'll babble in his crib in the morning, and just waits for me to come get him. He's so laid back, it's wonderful. I'm once again having fun buying clothes for him since he's outgrowing his 3-6 month stuff. The Christmas outfits out there are just too cute. Uggg, I guess it's good I'm working again to finance his new clothes!

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