Wesley slept the whole night last night in his CRIB! You might ask "Why is this so important?" I'm ashamed to say he's been sleeping in his swing since he came home from the hospital. He LOVES his swing. It is the papasan swing that has a soft little pod that his lays in. I always said that if Fisher Price would only make one for adults I would be in it all the time. Anyways, I would place him in it and turn it on for 10 minutes until he was asleep and then I would turn it off and he would sleep 10+ hours. I thought if it aint broke don't fix it. Well I then started to think about his little back all curled up in his swing and how that can't be very good for him, so I decided to bite the bullet and move him to his crib last night. I thought this would be a battle, I prepared myself to be up all night with a crying baby....nope, he slept all night long. When I went in to check on him at 8:30 he was just in there smiling up at his mobile. He is such a good baby, I'm quite lucky.
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