I think I'm going to start planning for Halloween 2011 now. Every year I want to do super cool stuff for Halloween and every year it comes and goes and nothing gets done. This year was the same way. We got pumpkins....but failed to carve them (maybe we'll do that this week?). We did go trick or treating but it was for only two blocks because it was getting too late. Both kids had costumes but I didn't even try Greta's on until we got out of the car to go trick or treating.....and then found out that the costume didn't "work" for her. Every year I want to dress up too, but never do the proper planning to make it happen. Oh to be more organized. Maybe next year!
In the end it doesn't matter. Wesley had fun walking down the street holding my hand in his Thomas the Train costume. He got a bucket full of candy which he's ecstatic about. Greta didn't have to wear her uncomfortable duck outfit for more than one house (my parent's house), so she was thrilled just to be held by Daddy and walked around. All in all, a fun evening with my family. Next year though, we are so planning everything!
Never did get that duck head to stay up. |
Poor kid didn't know what to think. Too funny. |
Such a cute little Thomas the Train. |
I like how his hat is on his head slightly cocked. lol...he's not just Thomas...he's 'cool' Thomas.
Fun baby costume! I had to laugh because we bought 4 pumpkins and never carved them either - of course we got a grand total of ZERO visitors that night. But Berkley still had fun doing a little trick-or-treating. Love the duck!
Love my duck and Thomas the Train!msrandiho
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