Monday, November 1, 2010

Brotherly Love?

Often I feel like I portray my kids as two little angels that play wonderfully together and share everything. This is not the case. There might be 4 minutes of bliss a day when I might peek around the corner to find them building with legos together, or sitting back to back reading books. But this is super rare. The other 11 hours and 56 minutes of the day they are screaming, stealing toys, throwing know, being kids. I've had the good fortune to have my camera around on two occasions in the past few weeks and I ran across these gems the other day and thought I needed to share. Wesley is roughly two years older than Greta and every day I pray that she will make it to adulthood with Wesley as her brother. Why might you ask?

Example one:
I hear screaming and come out of the kitchen to find this:

I don't "think" he was trying to choke her? Makes you wonder though. He likes to see what happens when he does certain things. He's in the cause and effect stage. I don't think Sissy likes being the guinea pig though. Of course he sees me and out comes the smile. Little turkey.

Example Two:
Greta is his little play toy. He tries to put clothes on her like a doll, or stack toys on her head. Yesterday I come into the living room to find this:

Instead of "Where's Waldo" let's play "Where's Greta?" Apparently he took all the couch pillows off and stacked them around Greta. She couldn't even move her arms. She just sat there waiting for me to help her. She's a good sport most of the time. Hey at least they are "playing" together!

1 comment:

Granny Randi said...

I'm still laughing at the "choking" picture. Takes me back 30+ years!