Friday, July 19, 2024

Birthday Boy

My oldest just turned 17 and will be starting their senior year of high school this fall. Time is a thief as I swear this kid just turned 10 the other day. I'm super proud of him and am excited to see where his future takes him.The birthday hat has made it 17 years now!


Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 When Sean's Dad was here I asked if he'd be able to help Sean get our well working. It's been dead for a decade and we've just been using rural water to water all the plants. Last summer our water bill was getting a little high so it was time to figure out how to get the well working again. I knew between the two of them they'd come up with a good plan and they did. It's a seasonal well that we will drain and put in the shop for the winter but it works great and all of my plants are very happy! Thanks Rich and Sean!

Happy plants!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

This and That

Well the range anxiety finally go to me and we sold our little 2013 Nissan Leaf and bought a 2022 Leaf with the extended range. The old one was maxed out at 65-70 miles range and the new one will go 230 miles at least. It's like night and day! I love it. With the federal tax credit of $4K off on used electric vehicles it was a steal.

We had it delivered from Denver.

Charges in the garage on a normal outlet.

Wesley had his first college visit. It's crazy that this time next year we will be preparing to move him into a dorm! Time flies!

I started singing in the choir at church again (I took an extended break after Covid). Both kids are great singers and after a little coercing I got them to sing too. We sang an Easter Cantata with 5 songs and it was a lot of fun, especially singing with my kids. 

Our heat pump finally died after Christmas so Sean started the hunt for another unit that he could install himself. Luckily we had electric resistance heat to get us through the winter but needed something installed before the heat of summer arrived. He did a great job, I'm so happy to have an air conditioner!

The tortoise house is coming along slowly. We got the door installed and the two windows on each side put in. Next step is siding and insulation. I hope the tortoises can go out in it this winter!

Monday, June 3, 2024


 I really do love growing things. It's my passion at the moment and the growing season is my favorite time of the year. Winter proves to be difficult lately. I missed growing for the 6 months of the year that were to cold to grow in. Then I found out how fun growing stuff indoors was! Last fall I bought some rather expensive streaked hosta seeds online from several growers. I thought if I purchased from many different growers I'd have a good chance of ending up with some pretty seedlings. Each packet of seeds was about $20-30, which turned out to be around a buck a seed. I'd put a packet in each solo cup and see what came up. 

Once the cup got too full I'd sit in the basement and pull all the seedlings out and separate them into their own cup. I tried to only keep the streaked and or unique leafed seedlings since there were literally hundreds of them. 

They eventually took up most of the floor in the basement under grow lights near the end of winter. Once the weather got nice they started their move outside but whenever the weather got cold at night I'd bring them all inside in our entryway and then back outside the next day. It was a labor of love. I ended up with some real unique beauties! I'm looking forward to another winter of basement growing.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


We were fortunate enough to have Sean's parents make the trek to come visit us from New Mexico. It was a fun visit with lots of laughter and shopping. We went to the local zoo and a fun museum. Thanks for coming to see us R & R!


They had these electric carts that you could rent and ride around the zoo!

Monday, May 13, 2024


 Last May I took Max to a Billy Idol concert on a whim. I hadn't been to a concert in ages and Max had never been to a concert. We bought cheap seats in the back and had an absolute ball. So I told him if Billy comes back on tour within an 8 hour drive we'd go see him again and get good seats this time. Well he came back. 

Max and I loaded in our rental car and drove to Lincoln, NE to see him preform at the Pinewood Bowl Arena which was an outdoor stage. We were four rows from the stage and it was awesome! Who knows maybe we'll go see Billy again next year. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 I've been wanting to put flagstone pathways around our house for years now and finally got the project started this spring. There was a big rock store that had a closeout at the end of the year last fall and we picked up two pallets of blue flagstone which sat all winter. I rented a mini skid steer and rode around the yard digging the top 6 inches off of where I wanted the paths. I was pretty proud of myself for renting it, getting it off the trailer and doing it all by myself. Sean had a meeting and rain was coming later in the day so I didn't have a choice. 

I then laid down a thick layer or sand and started laying the flagstone. There is an art to laying the stone and some areas look decent and others I'm not real thrilled with and might redesign later. But I got all two pallets of stone laid (around 8000lbs of rock). It was quite a workout. I only got about half the paths done so another two pallets will be purchased soon. I might wait until fall and cooler temps to finish it up. 

This isn't finished, still needs dirt filled in around the rocks.