Monday, October 23, 2017

Friday Off

October is always a month of Friday's off for the kids. I'm not sure why but three of the four Friday's are no school. It's fun and we try and go do things together on that day off. Last Friday I took the kids into town to have lunch with Sean and then a nice walk. Wesley's teacher is doing a unit on Japan and brought in some Japanese candy and soda for the kids to try. He enjoyed them a lot so we went into the same store to buy some. We couldn't resist all the Day of the Dead merchandise they had displayed and had the kids model some rather strange sunglasses.

Because every kid needs a yard of bubblegum.

Friday's are my usual grocery shopping days and as much as I love my kids I need to shop by myself (it's a lot of "Mom we need these! or Mom you never buy us candy!). Let's just say it's exhausting. So my friend Jessica and I teamed up and she watched the kids while I shopped and then I watched the kids while she shopped. It worked and the kids got five hours of play time with their buddies.

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