Monday, April 3, 2023

Spring Happenings

 I sure love spring! So much to do though. We ended the month of March with a box of chicks that came in the mail. With the soaring price of eggs everyone decided to buy chicks and raise them for their eggs. All of the feed stores would sell out of chicks the day they came in. I've been wanting to focus on Cochin chickens so this was a great reason to go order Cochin chicks online. I was a little worried about mailing newly hatched chicks in March as the weather can change drastically but luckily the weather was great. They even included an extra chick so now there are seven little fluff balls in the brooder in the living room. 

The very first day of January I replanted the Tower Garden that was recently moved to the basement. It takes a couple of months for the greens to get big enough to start harvesting but we've been eating off of it for a month now. Just cut the greens and watch them grow more. I planted four cucumber plants along the bottom and have been busy pollinating the flowers as they open. There are a few cukes growing, which I'm hoping will be tasty and not bitter.

I also started several trays of hosta seeds since I've never tried growing those before. Last year was a fun year for planting and I really got obsessed with hostas. Pretty sure I planted nearly a hundred varieties. They are just starting to show signs of popping out of the ground and I'm excited to watch them grow. The baby seedlings take quite some time to grow from seed and I read to start them around Christmas so that's what I did. I set up a little grow cabinet in the basement and have been up-potting them every few weeks. 

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