Wednesday, June 16, 2021


We finally did it. We fenced in the front three acres of the property so the goats will have a large area to graze and perhaps we won't have to mow around 300 walnut trees. We've been attempting to finish it for years and never start early enough in the season before the oppressive heat starts. But this year we were motivated! It sure helped to have a beautiful spring for a change......generally it goes from winter to summer in about 2 weeks. 


It took a couple of months but we got it done just in time for the goats to have a lush new pasture to browse from. Goats are not grazers like cows and sheep, they are browsers like deer. They pick off the tops of weeds, vines and low hanging leaves. This is great for our abundance of poison ivy. I let them loose for the first time and they went directly to the nearest tree covered in the nasty vine. 



I hope they are able to keep the area eaten down.  

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