Sunday, February 14, 2021

I Love......

 I love.....sunny days when the dogs curl up in the warm sunny window......hugs from my big kids as they leave for school (5th grader and 8th grader).......working stock tank heaters......wearable blankets.....lunch dates with my work from home hubby, even if they are take out in the car.......evenings with all three dogs piled on my lap.......puppy kisses.......peppermint mocha coffee each morning, Greta loves this too........the hope of warmer days ahead, it's currently -15 actual temperature......morning soaks in the hot tub with my hubby......the fact that more vaccines mean lower infection rates, can't wait to get mine......making big lunches and eating them with Sean while watching our shows (just finished The Expanse-so good-and now watching Lucifer).....the hope of brighter days ahead after a long pandemic year....Happy Valentine's Day!

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