Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Corona Chronicles entry #12

Day #74

It's strange writing day 74 up there. I mean we are still in a state of lockdown and the coronavirus is still very much effecting our lives. It's just become more normal these days. Perhaps we've all figured out how to live in this strange new world. Living with the virus. Knowing that it's out there and praying it doesn't come to visit anyone we know and love.

Our country just passed 100,000 people lost to COVID-19. I remember several months back when Dr. Fauci projected that we'd lose 100-260K people and it was a shocking number. Almost unreal. It's not unreal anymore. I feel like we'll probably surpass 260K at this rate. We are still losing 1,500 people a day and there is no end in sight, at least until a vaccine is released......which is likely a year away.

Our state is in phase two of reopening, I believe that now means hair salons and gyms can open along with restaurant lobbies and clothing stores. I've got to say I'm not interested in getting out there and patronizing these businesses that are now open. I'm happy that I'm able to go get a hair cut but I'm still not ready to subject myself to possibly getting infected. Maybe I'll get there one day? I'm still wearing a mask when I have to leave the house but I'm finding I'm one of the few people wearing one when I go to Lowes or Tractor Supply. Luckily I'm still in the majority of people wearing one at the grocery store which is good. I'm not sure why people have stopped (or never started) wearing one.

I find myself enjoying the time at home. This isn't really a big surprise as I'm pretty introverted and like to be alone. I like not having a structured calendar of events that I'm part of. I'm wondering how much I'll return to once everything opens back up. I find myself missing my church family but not missing the meetings and practices that I'm part of. It's so freeing knowing that my calendar is pretty clear for the foreseeable future. I've gotten so many things accomplished at home!

Stay safe!

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