Saturday, August 10, 2019

Odds & Ends

The boston terriers had to go in for their shots which entitles sitting in a packed waiting room for an hour restraining them from trying to murder ever other dog in the room. Luckily they are little and it's only once a year.

Having the kids home for the summer is great. It's also great to get out of the house by myself and have some alone time with a good book and sushi. I found a great little sushi place next to the grocery store and it's easy to drop in there and have some zen time. I also found sweet potato sushi which is SO delicious.

The little Mini Cooper is getting lots of use! Boy is it a fun car. It's always got a fine layer of dust on it since we live on dirt roads but that doesn't stop us from putting the top down and taking the kids for a ride.

Last spring I "saved" six blueberry bushes at the feed store that were on clearance after going through a freeze and loosing all their leaves. I planted them in the back of the property and put all the old/used hen house shavings on them all year. They like acidic soil and pine shavings can help with that so that's what was dumped all around them. I also read that coffee grounds can help so I asked my friends husband to save his coffee grounds that I spread around the bushes. This spring those bushes were LOADED with blueberries! I was amazed. The blackberry bushes are also producing in abundance.

Greta loves to take my phone and create strange pictures of herself and others. It's pretty funny what she can make from a simple selfie.

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