Monday, August 6, 2018


We've had the kids in swimming lessons every summer since Wesley was in kindergarten. I was under the impression that you take your kids to a pool and they learn to swim in a summer. Nope. That is not how it has worked for our family. It's been a huge source of nerves and anxiety for both kids. They are like scared little puppy dogs when it comes to structured learning at the pool. When we go to the pool to just relax and play they have a ball, no problems at all. We've tried the YMCA for several years now and one year at the local city pool.

This year was the second time at the city pool and by golly I think they might have turned a corner. Perhaps they are older and ready or maybe the lifeguards were different but Wesley is now swimming in the deep end and jumping off of the diving board (both things he's never felt confident enough to try before). Greta is actually participating with the class instead of sitting on the edge and not engaging (which is what she normally does). It helped to have Aunt Jessica there offering her rewards for doing what the instructors asked. She got to go make slime over at their house as a reward. Hey, whatever works! It was a good summer and I look forward to more improvement next year. Super proud of these kids.

1 comment:

Granny Randi said...

Sounds like it clicked for Greta this summer. I know how long it took her dad to learn to swim!