So it turns out blogging with a newborn in the house is pretty difficult. She's pretty much been attached to me eating or sleeping on me since she came home from the hospital. I remember this from when Wesley was tiny, I just don't remember being this tired! With Sean's folks still here they've been taking care of Wesley, which has been wonderful. The kid is in hog heaven. We all are going to miss them when they leave tomorrow.
Breastfeeding is going ok I suppose. Some days are better than others. We are still trying to get in the swing of things. I have learned Greta is much more sensitive to what I eat than Wesley was. The first day Randi was here she made a big delicious chocolate cake that we all but inhaled. The next day poor Greta had the worse gas ever. She just cried and cried and her little tummy rumbled and gurgled. Sean and Rich even made a run to the store at 11 pm for some infant gas drops. They sure helped! I've since removed some foods from my diet in hopes of figuring out her sensitivities. Poor little girl.
Greta and I go back in to the doctors on Monday for her two week visit. She needs to be back up to her birth weight by then. The way she eats I don't think it will be a problem. That's about all that is happening around here.

I could sit and hold a sleeping baby forever! Hope you are ready to be on your own - it's not easy, I know. Something tells me you'll do great!
I have "noni" withdrawal. I miss you all very much. Hang in there, Mandy. I'm just a phone call away.
All my love.
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