Wesley is doing well with the new addition. We are finishing up our first week without Daddy or Grandparents here. It's gone much better than I imagined. I have to admit I was scared. Me against a newborn and a two year old, all by my lonesome. Turns out I wasn't all by myself all week. We spent three mornings this week with my friend Jessica and her kids. She was a big help, thanks Jessica.
I swear Wesley has changed so much in the past three weeks. He's growing like a weed. Maybe it's just being able to compare him to a newborn, but he's huge! His vocabulary is growing like crazy as well. The other day I was getting ready to go get him out of his crib after he woke up from his nap and I heard him yell out "Somebody please open the door!!" It made me laugh. Hey, at least he's polite about it. He also caught me off guard this morning, I asked him if he wanted a banana with his breakfast and he said "si". I asked him if he just said "si" and he said "yes". I don't recall teaching him Spanish but I'm sure he's picking it up from Sesame Street and DragonTales (his two shows he gets to watch). I was shaking my head over that one. The kid's a smarty pants.
We experienced our first power outage of the season yesterday. It was only out for two hours but it made me realize how important it is we have a generator before the first big snowfall. I refuse to go through another winter living out where we live with no back up electricity source and a newborn. Let the generator shopping begin.

I miss you all very much.
We miss you too Granny! Come back!
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