Our little Greta is a week old today. It's been a great week. Greta is sleeping at night now and has been for the past several days. She wakes up every three hours to eat and then promptly goes right back to sleep. She's been sleeping in her crib for the past several days and seems to like it. The bassinet was a bust just like it was with Wesley. I think it doesn't feel very solid underneath them. That's ok though, it was only $15 at a garage sale. Plus I'd rather she got used to her crib, it will be better in the long run. She loves her swaddling blanket and sleeps the best when all wrapped up like a burrito. What a great little invention.
Sean's parents got here Saturday and have been so helpful since arriving. Randi spent the day in the kitchen yesterday cooking up a storm and we enjoyed a tasty home cooked dinner last night. It's so nice having them here for the week. Wesley is just soaking up the attention and loves having all these people doting on him. It's going to be a shock to his system when everyone leaves next week (including Dad) and he's stuck with old Mom. That should be interesting.

Okay Mandy...aside of the nose...Greta looks just like you! Sean's nose all the way, but I love the bows. he he he...she is only a week old and you are already torturing her with frilly bows.
Agree with Little Monkeys on the genetic traits! That picture is SO cute! She is beautiful. I am also intrigued by the transitional website...not what I was expecting but I like it!
Thanks guys, I feel sorry for her if she does look like her Momma. As for the transitional blog....this is it until I have more time to make a new banner. Yeah, more time.....whatever!
Hey - tell Grandpa Rich he looks like he's having a lot more fun reading to Wesley than he did re-roofing our house!!
Hey now...you always get on my case when I say things like that missy. She's beautiful, either way though.
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