I think the drastic weather change has played a role in Greta's non sleeping at night issues. She's gotten used to sleeping in my warm arms during the day and doesn't like to be laid down on her cool crib sheet. It almost immediately wakes her up. I'm hesitant to put a warn blanket under her since that is a big no no with SIDS prevention. In an attempt to get some sleep tonight I think she and I will be sleeping in the recliner all night. Oh what fun!

The weather is down right cold with highs barely getting out of the 30's this weekend. It seems Fall lasted about two weeks long and Winter is already upon us. The weather man said averages for this time of the year are the low 70's so we are about 30 degrees off of the average right now. Sean spent the weekend weather proofing the house. He put some insulation in some areas that needed it and did a lot of caulking around drafty areas. I hope it helps out keeping the house warmer this winter.
With the turn in the seasons it has become apparent how important Wesley's outside play time was. He's just bouncing off of the walls lately without the ability to run around outside. In an attempt to channel that energy into something productive and not destructive I went to Target today and bought a big box of crayons and a giant coloring book along with some ColorWonder markers and paper. He spent a couple of hours today coloring and is just in love with his crayon box. We've done coloring in the past but after several eating episodes I decided he wasn't old enough for crayons and they got put away. Looks like he's finally at the age where the crayons get used more on the paper than in his mouth. He didn't try to eat them even once today. Finally!

Mandy, wish I was there to give you some time to sleep. I miss you all very much. Love the hat on Greta!
Adorable hat! I love it. Sorry you aren't sleeping more. For what it's worth - Berkley got up 3 times last night. Ugh. I'm going to bed...Love you!
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