We got back yesterday from a really pleasant weekend visiting Sean's side of the family. I had mentioned in a previous post that the family farm was sold so we all headed out there Friday. The girls hung around and watched all the kids while the men folk went out and picked up the last of the treasures from the farm. It was entertaining watching Wesley play with his cousins whom are all the same age. There were three two year olds running around along with an adorable 8 month old. Wesley was the only boy and I think he was showing off a tad bit for the ladies. He was running wildly through the house and tripped and face planted into a little wooden step stool. The end result was we believe he bit the inside of his cheek and somehow got a small puncture wound where his lips crease in the corner. The thing just bled and bled and bled. And he just wailed and wailed and wailed. The next day his cheek was inflamed and by this morning it looked like he had a big wad of bubblegum in his cheek. I took him to the doctor this morning since he's been very whiny and won't sleep very well the previous nights. The only doctor we could get in to see this morning was our previous Doctor, Dr. TalkingHead. I was a little worried about seeing him since we transferred to a new, much more awesome doctor. My worries were unfounded as I think he didn't even remember who we were. He wheeled his little stool over to Wesley and put a gloved finger into Wesley's mouth and pushed against the inside of his cheek and out came a string of yellow puss. It was kind of like squeezing toothpaste out of the container. Pretty gross. They did a culture on the puss and started the poor kid on his very first ever round of antibiotics. I got a little internal chuckle when the doctor stuck his finger back in his mouth to get the puss for the culture, Wesley bit the heck out of him. The doctor yelled "OUCH". He pulled his hand out and removed his glove to find a perfect little crescent moon of teeth marks on his finger. He he he....score one for Wesley. To add insult to injury the kid caught whatever his little cousin Serenity had and now is blowing snot balls everywhere. Whenever he looks like he's about to sneeze I have to duck and cover because snot flies all over. Poor little puss filled, snot blowing kid.
Besides the sick kid we really did have a fun time though. Wesley loved seeing his Noni Randi and Papa Rich. Just today I was walking him into the doctors office and he looked up at me and said "Go see Noni Randi?". It's a good thing we'll see them around the time of the birth as I think the kid is already going into withdrawal.

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