35 days left to go! It's officially crunch time. We are down to the wire and this baby is going to be here soon! I'm so excited. I know I've been bitching and moaning about this thing and that concerning this pregnancy but I'll be the first to say I've had it easy. This has been an easy pregnancy. With five weeks (or less) left I've decided I need to really quit with the belly aching and just enjoy it. This is, after all, the last time round.....two children is plenty for us.
-I'm happy to report that the swollen feet and ankles have disappeared. Not a clue why but I'm thrilled. Actually it probably has to do with the weather being down right chilly. Chilly in August, now that's a first. I also have to say that I've never before in my life seen it so lush in August. The grass is all green and thick, all the rain is just keeping it beautiful around here. It's been a strange summer. A wonderful summer to be pregnant during.
-I'm officially "ready" for this little lady to make her entrance into the world. I've mentally wrapped my mind around going through labor again and I feel at ease with doing it all over. I can only hope that this time round it will be as easy as it was with Wesley. I'm actually hoping for another induction, that was a wonderful experience that I wish I could just duplicate (maybe without high blood pressure being the catalyst).
-I got excited the other day at the grocery store when I picked up a container of cottage cheese and saw that it expired on my due date. I remember with pregnancy #1 how that made me nervous, it's truly different the second time round.
-Here's hoping this is the last belly picture taken and that she decides to come a week or two early. Hey, a girl can dream right?
Sorry about removing your comment Randi. I don't like having our last name on the blog, call me weird. Love ya!
No problem. You do look beautiful!
Thanks guys, you do make a whale feel good about herself.
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