Wednesday, November 12, 2014

FitBit: A year later

It's been a year since we got our little FitBits. I wasn't sure if I would use mine regularly but I'm happy to report I still wear it a year later. It's a nice little bit of motivation in my day. I enjoy the interactive website that takes the data off of the FitBit and tally's it up into nice little charts showing when you are most active, how many calories burned and miles walked.

The other fun thing about the website is your ranking. You can invite your friends that also have FitBit's and it tells you how many steps they have walked which can in turn motivate you to try to beat them for the week. We used to have quite a few friends and family members on the leader board but over the months they've slowly dropped off (either losing their FitBit or just not wearing it anymore). It's down to just Sean and I now.

We have a friendly weekly competition to see who can out step who.

Shhh.....I'm beating him this week.