Cozy Cover:
With this winter being wicked cold I absolutely love this product. I bought it during the summer and just took it out of storage about a month ago. Little Greta is toasty warm snuggled up in her car seat with this cover on. After doing much research I found that this sort of car seat cover is safety approved unlike some of the covers that go underneath the baby. These are known as the "shower cap" covers as they just fit over the top of the seat. Anyways, if you have an infant during the cold winter months this is a must in my book.

Boy are we having fun with this little piece of equipment. Santa brought us this for Christmas and it's far cooler than either Sean or I thought it would be. For one, you can hook a network cable up to it and surf the internet while sitting on the couch. That's cool. Two, of course it plays some really neat games. The graphics are spectacular. And third, unbeknown to us, the unit connects with Sean's computer in the basement and allows us to view recorded programs....it works as a DVR for us. Really nice little game console.

Mr. Potato Head:
Wesley got two of these for Christmas and he absolutely loves them! By far his favorite toy. We sit around and play with the two potato heads every day. I guess two and a half is the age of the Potato Head. Now we just need to get a Mrs. Potato Head.
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