I can't believe I have a four month old already! I had forgotten how quickly this first year goes by. Little Greta is changing so much. At four months old she:
-is constantly grabbing at toys and pulling them into her mouth, everything goes in the mouth.
-drools all over everything. Along with the drool is spit bubbles. All the time.
-is a very lean little baby.
-still won't sleep through the night. Not even close. Sleeps 2-3 hours at a time.
-smiles at her big brother whenever she gets the chance.
-still hasn't laughed yet.
-is swaddled every night still.
-loves bath time.
-is a really happy, smiley, content baby.
-has had two bottles in her lifetime. Thinking I should start giving her more bottles just so she knows what they are. Hasn't tried formula yet.
-starting to outgrow 3-6 month clothing.
-is almost rolling. She gets her little body contorted all different ways.
-drools all over everything. Along with the drool is spit bubbles. All the time.
-is a very lean little baby.
-still won't sleep through the night. Not even close. Sleeps 2-3 hours at a time.
-smiles at her big brother whenever she gets the chance.
-still hasn't laughed yet.
-is swaddled every night still.
-loves bath time.
-is a really happy, smiley, content baby.
-has had two bottles in her lifetime. Thinking I should start giving her more bottles just so she knows what they are. Hasn't tried formula yet.
-starting to outgrow 3-6 month clothing.
-is almost rolling. She gets her little body contorted all different ways.

LOL. That last picture cracks me up. You need to flip it, photoshop the couch out of it and put her on a road or something and it would look like she is running.
Great job by Jessica...I'm still laughing!
Thanks Randi. I was giggling the whole time I was making it.lol
That is too funny. You should make one while she's swaddled to resemble a Chipotle burrito in the little red plastic tray and the silver foil.
Very cute. Love the Photo Shop! That first portrait is one of the most beautiful pix I've seen of Miss Greta. Can't BELIEVE she is 4 months old!!
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