Monday, January 29, 2018

El Sicky

Last week was a long week. Friday morning Wesley looked a bit off. It seemed to come out of no where as he was fine eating his breakfast and then when we were leaving for school he looked tired and said his head hurt. I should have kept him home in retrospect but sent him anyway. The school called at 2 to say he had a fever, so I went and picked him up. The school nurse said to go have him swabbed for strep throat as it was going around the school. He was swabbed for both strep and for the flu and the test came back positive for Influenza A.

Since it was caught early the nurse practitioner prescribed him Tamaflu. I was a little uneasy about the Tamaflu but still went and had it filled at the pharmacy. $116 later I was home with a packet of pills. Then I remembered Wesley had never taken pills before. Yep, there was no way he was going to swallow pills. So we just decided to skip the Tamaflu.

He was pretty miserable for two days, Saturday and Sunday. Then Monday morning he comes bounding down the stairs declaring he feels great. No fever, no congestion, nothing. We watched movies Monday and Tuesday. Congestion started up Tuesday night which produced gallons of yuck but for the most part it was extremely mild in the world of flu symptoms. I'm very grateful. Plus nobody else in the house got it. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Granny Randi said...

That flu is miserable. Glad Wesley bounced back.