Thursday, June 8, 2017


We've been at our current church for a little over a year now and apparently that was how long it took for people to feel comfortable enough with me to ask for help with vacation bible school. I was thrilled to help out but knew nothing about vbs. They weren't worried and asked me to run the arts and crafts. Sure, why not?

It's been a fun week, although I'm excited tomorrow is Friday and the final day. I'm exhausted! There are 124 kids enrolled (45 of those are pre-schoolers). They rotate around in smaller groups and we make a fun new craft each day. I'm happy they asked me to do this, it's nice to get out of my comfort zone every now and then.

My Mom and friend Jessica were nice enough to come help me during the week, even though they don't go to that church. I'm not sure I could have done it without them! Here are some pictures of the week.


Johnboy said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. That picture with me in the mask...