Sunday, April 30, 2017

1st Grade Field Trip

Greta and her first grade class got to go to the same wildlife park that Wesley's class went to a few years ago. Once again it was cold and damp and once again all the kids seemed to have left their jackets at school. Poor freezing kids.The monkeys seemed to have the same feelings about the weather. 

It did warm up after a bit and the sun actually emerged. It was lovely seeing all the animals. They have a nice petting zoo with big tortoises (several large sulcatas, same tortoise that we have). I can't wait until Billy Bob is this size.

Feeding of giraffes was a kid favorite.

Greta and her best bud Jackson.

My favorite picture of the day was the family of baby ducks competing with the giant koi for food being thrown out. I kept thinking those tiny ducklings would fit in the mouths of those giant fish, but they left them alone thankfully.


John and Julie said...

Nice pictures! Looks like they were having fun even if a bit cold.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures look amazing! Very professional photography quality. (Posted by Jessica...anonymously...again...because I can't remember my password.)