Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Newest Project

I'm thoroughly enjoying the last day of the break. It's been a relaxing two weeks. I've spent the majority of it in flannel pajama pants. There's been a lot of WiiU and board games being played. Since the family left last week there hasn't been a stitch of house cleaning done. It's been lovely. But it's back to school and work tomorrow.

I honestly haven't seen much of my husband the last two weeks even though he's been home. You see, he started a new project. Something he's been wanting to do for ages. He finally decided it's time and started ordering parts a few weeks ago. They are all spread out on one of the desks down in his basement man cave. Can you figure out what he's making?

No? Can't figure it out? Well he's making a 3D Printer. Here is a video similar to the one he's making (although it will be larger). LINK It looks pretty cool and I know he's pretty excited to start making stuff. He's been out working with aluminum on the milling machine to make the carriages. They look really nice.

It's sure coming together.  Good job Sean!

1 comment:

Granny Randi said...

Sean never ceases to amaze me!