I hope you all had a blessed and relaxing Christmas day! We were lucky enough to have family at our house all day yesterday. My folks and my sister and her family came. The girls (my sister, my Mom and myself) went to a candle light service Christmas eve. It was beautiful and really put me in the spirit of the season. The boys stayed home to bathe children and put them to bed, and to also be Santa and place present under the tree. Thank you boys!
This year was special in that Wesley is finally getting excited about the concept of Santa. He's 3.5 years old and was really in awe of the concept of a jolly old man flying around in a sled with reindeer. We placed a plate of cookies out and the next morning Wesley looked down from the upstairs balcony and shouted "All but one of the cookies are gone, they're gone!!". I think next year will be even more fun, I can't wait.
Santa was very generous this year. The kids got some really great toys. Toys that will keep them occupied throughout the year (thank goodness!). Anyways, it was a great day.....thank you to all that made it happen.
The grand babies loving the toys! |
My jolly old elf. :) |
Blake and Emery in his cute Christmas sweater. |
Wesley doing something obscene to his Curious George doll. |
Showing off the kitted goodies made by Granny Randi. They are absolutely beautiful Randi! My scarf is so ornate, I love it. Greta would have been in the picture but you can just look at this picture and know what she looked like. |
Christmas dinner: ham, mac and cheese, shrimp scampi, green bean casserole, scalloped potatoes, cranberry relish and rolls. Delish! |
Great learned how to smile on command this weekend. It's too cute. |
See? More smiling. |
Wesley and Papa loving the hats. You rock Randi! |
The "after opening presents chaos". |
My Mom and Greta enjoying a game of connect four. Thanks for the game Jessica! |
Baby Emery became a pro at tearing open presents. He's a doll. |
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