Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I received my first jury summons in the mail. I looked over all the paper work and filled out the form attached. Oddly enough one of the questions on the form asked if I was a breastfeeding mother. Luckily the summons came at a time when I am still (barely) a breastfeeding mother so I didn't have to lie too much. Another week or so I wouldn't have been able to mark that little "yes" box. Today I got my letter excusing me from jury duty. Thanks to breastfeeding I won't have to spend a week in a jury box earning $10 a day. Yeah!

1 comment:

Little Man's blog said...

I got one too! No check-box for nursing mothers on my form. I'm just up to the gods if I manage to get out of this one...